
common-lisp-jupyter may be installed on a machine using a local installation, a repo2docker installation, or via a Docker image.

Local Installation


Installation Type

Jupyter kernels may be installed as a system-wide kernel which is accessible to all users or as a user specific kernel which is only available to the user that installed the kernel.

System-wide kernels are typically installed to a directory accessible by all users. For example, on Linux or MacOS these kernels are generally installed to /usr/share/jupyter/kernels/ or /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/. The former is called a “system kernel” and the latter is called a “system local kernel.”

User specific kernels are installed to directory in the user’s home directory. On Linux this is in ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels.

For both user and system installations, common-lisp-jupyter has dependencies defined via its ASDF definition that need to be satisfied. These dependencies need to satified via a Roswell installation or a Quicklisp installation. Other package managers such as guix or other operating system package managers may be able to accomplish this, but these two are the primary tested methods.

Since Quicklisp (included in Roswell) is a per-user package manager this makes system kernel installation a bit tricky. A “non-bundled” system installation will rely on each user having a functioning Quicklisp installation and will install needed dependencies for each user the first time they load the kernel in JupyterLab or jupyter-console.

A “bundled” system installation will use the current user’s Quicklisp installation to discover the needed dependencies and create a static bundle of those files to install in the system kernel’s path. For this type of installation Quicklisp does not need to be installed for the individual users.

For user kernels either a “non-image” or an “image” installation can be used. An image based installation will use uiop:dump-image to create a saved image of the kernel to facilitate quick load times. The “non-image” based installation will use ql:quickload or asdf:load-system to initiate the kernel load so that current Quicklisp/ASDF system will be used every time the kernel is loaded.

Unless there is are specific requirements that dictate the type of kernel installation a user “non-image” kernel is recomended. If a system kernel is needed then a “bundled” kernel is recommended.

Installing via Quicklisp/ASDF

Install Quicklisp and use (ql:add-to-init-file). If you already have Quicklisp installed you may need to update your distribution with (ql:update-dist "quicklisp") to resolve package conflicts. Once Quicklisp is installed add common-lisp-jupyter via (ql:quickload :common-lisp-jupyter).

  • To install an image based user kernel evaluate (cl-jupyter:install-image)
  • To install a non-image based user kernel evaluate (cl-jupyter:install)
  • To install a Quicklisp/ASDF based system which uses system or user packages available via ql:quickload or asdf:load-system evaluate (cl-jupyter:install :system t :prefix "pkg/"). Afterward copy the contents of the pkg directory to the system root. For instance in bash sudo cp -r pkg/* /. If you want to install to /usr/local/share then add the :local t key.
  • To install a Quicklisp bundle based system evaluate (cl-jupyter:install :system t :local t :bundle t :prefix "pkg/"). Afterward copy the contents of the pkg directory to the system root. For instance in bash sudo cp -r pkg/* /

Installing via Roswell

  • Install Roswell using the Roswell Installation Guide. If you already have Roswell installed you may need to update your Quicklisp distribution with (ql:update-dist "quicklisp") inside a ros run shell to resolve package conflicts.

  • Add the PATH in the initialization file (such as ~/.bashrc- if using jupyter-hub, see note below)
    export PATH=$PATH:~/.roswell/bin
  • Install common-lisp-jupyter by roswell
    ros install common-lisp-jupyter

note: if using jupyter-hub’s default set-up:

  • You must run the ros install common-lisp-jupyter command for each user who will use lisp.
  • Edit /home/${USER}/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/common-lisp/kernel.json, adding:
"env": {
  "PATH": "${PATH}:${HOME}/.roswell/bin"

so that jupyter-lab can find the lisp binaries. Note: ~/.roswell/bin will not expand properly.

Running common-lisp-jupyter

common-lisp-jupyter may be run from a local installation in console mode by the following.

jupyter console --kernel=common-lisp

Notebook mode is initiated by the following.

jupyter lab

repo2docker Usage

common-lisp-jupyter may be run as a Docker image managed by repo2docker which will fetch the current code from GitHub and handle all the details of running the Jupyter Notebook server.

First you need to install repo2docker (sudo may be required)

pip install jupyter-repo2docker

Once repo2docker is installed then the following will build and start the server. Directions on accessing the server will be displayed once the image is built.

jupyter-repo2docker --user-id=1000 --user-name=jupyter

Docker Image

A prebuilt docker image is available via Docker Hub. This image maybe run run the following command.

docker run --network=host -it yitzchak/common-lisp-jupyter jupyter notebook --ip=

A local Docker image of common-lisp-jupyter may be built after this repo has been cloned using the following command (sudo may be required). This image is based on the docker image archlinux/base.

docker build --tag=common-lisp-jupyter .

After the image is built the console may be run with

docker run -it common-lisp-jupyter jupyter console --kernel=common-lisp