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Common Lisp JSON reading and writing for the Kzinti.


The primary interface to parsing and reading JSON is the read-json function.

(read-json &optional input-stream-or-string (eof-error-p t) eof-value single-value-p)

The argument input-stream-or-string can be an stream, a string to read from, or nil to use *standard-input*. The arguments eof-error-p and eof-value have the same affect as they do in the Common Lisp function read. If the single-value-p argument is true then the input to read-json is assumed to be a single value, which means that extra tokens at the end will cause an error to be generated.

There are a number of dynamic variables that will influence the parsing of JSON data.

There is also a keyword variant read-json* which will set the various dynamic variables from supplied keywords.

(read-json* :stream nil
            :eof-error t
            :eof-value nil 
            :single-value nil
            :true-value t 
            :false-value nil 
            :null-value :null
            :array-format :vector 
            :object-format :hash-table
            :float-format 'single-float)


The primary interface to serializing and writing JSON is the write-json function.

(write-json value &optional (output-stream t))

The output-stream argument can be a stream, t for *standard-output*, or nil for output to a string. If the output is to a string then this string will be returned, otherwise the original value will be returned.

There are a number of dynamic variables that will influence the serialization of JSON data.

The actual serialization of JSON data is done by the generic function print-json-value which can be specialized for additional value types.

(print-json-value value output-stream)

There is also a keyword variant write-json* which will set the various dynamic variables from supplied keywords.

(write-json* value :stream t 
                   :ascii-encoding nil 
                   :true-values '(t :true)
                   :false-values '(nil :false) 
                   :null-values '(:null)
                   :empty-array-values '(:empty-array)
                   :empty-object-values '(:empty-object) 
                   :alist-as-object nil 
                   :plist-as-object nil
                   :pretty nil 
                   :indent-string "  ")

In order to facilitate extending the serialization facilities of shasht there are a number of helper functions available. To aid in the printing of JSON strings there is the following.

(write-json-string value output-stream)

In order to ease the serialization of objects and arrays there is with-json-object and with-json-array. Both of these macros take an output stream as the first argument then enable indentation and automatic handling of all delimiter tokens. Inside the body of with-json-object the function (print-json-key-value key value output-stream) should be used to output a key value pair. Inside the body of with-json-array the function (print-json-value value output-stream) should be used to output a single value. Example usage can be seen in the source code.


Although concise the JSON specification is very vague on a number of points and thus accurate compliance by implementations is often substandard. Without comprehensive tests compliance is difficult to ascertain. The JSONTestSuite includes over 300 reading tests including those left ambiguous by the specification. The test suite of shasht includes all of these tests in addition to various write tests. For a comparision of the compliance of the Common Lisp implementations of JSON see Compliance Comparision.


A simple benchmark can be done with tests/bench.lisp. For SBCL the following results are typical.

                                JSON Read Times                                 
             0                     7.002169e-6                      1.4004338e-5
     cl-json ███████████████████████████████████▉
    jonathan ████████▊
json-streams ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
       jsown █████████▋
      shasht █████████████▏
     st-json █████████████████████████████████▊
       yason ████████████████████████████████████████▉

                                JSON Write Times                                
             0                    6.2018808e-6                     1.24037615e-5
     cl-json ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
    jonathan ████████████████████████████████████▍
json-streams ███████████████████████████████▎
       jsown ████████████████████████████████████████▉
      shasht ███████████▍
     st-json ███████▋
       yason ████████████████████████████████████▏

                             JSON Read/Write Times                              
             0                     1.1348141e-5                     2.2696282e-5
     cl-json ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
    jonathan █████████████████████████████████████▍
json-streams ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉
       jsown ██████████████████████████████▎
      shasht ██████████████████████▏
     st-json ███████████████████████████▋
       yason ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉