
During the load command DiCy configures the build environment based on the options provided directly to the builder and those provided in various configuration files. These options are applied the following specific order.

  1. YAML options file named config.yaml found in platform specific configuration directory as detailed in the following list.
    • MacOS - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dicy/config.yaml or $HOME/Library/Application Support/dicy/config.yaml
    • Windows - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME\dicy\config.yaml, %APPDATA%\dicy\config.yaml or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\dicy\config.yaml
    • Linux, BSD and all others - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dicy/config.yaml or $HOME/.config/dicy/config.yaml
  2. YAML options file named dicy.yaml found in the directory of the main source file.
  3. YAML options file with same name as the main source file but with .yaml extension.
  4. LaTeX magic comments found in main source file if the source file is a LaTeX derived format such as LaTeX, knitr, or Literate Haskell.
  5. Options provided directly to the builder or command line interface.

The various options that may be provide to DiCy via each of these configuration sources are detailed in the Options page, with the exception of job name specific options which is detailed in the Multiple Jobs section.

Multiple Jobs

DiCy can run LaTeX multiple times on the same source file with different job names and can also have job specific settings which include the ability to build jobs that depend on source files other than the main source file. These abilities are accomplished through the jobNames and the jobs options.

Modern LaTeX engines provide a command line option jobname which can be used to specify the output file name as different from the input source name. For instance, executing

pdflatex -jobname=bar foo.tex

will output bar.pdf instead of foo.pdf. This can be accomplished in DiCy by using the jobName option. For example, using LaTeX magic comments

%!TeX jobName = bar
Wibble, wibble, wibble!

or using a YAML file foo.yaml

jobName: bar

DiCy also provides the ability to execute multile jobs with different job names via the jobNames option.

%!TeX jobNames = bar, quux, gronk
Wibble, wibble, wibble!

or via YAML

  - bar
  - quux
  - gronk

Job Specific Options

Each separate job can has specific options via the jobs option. For example, via YAML the following will enable SyncTeX for the quux job, enable shell escape for the gronk job while using restricted shell escape for the other jobs.

shellEscape: restricted
  - bar
  - quux
  - gronk
    synctex: true
    shellEscape: enable

Using LaTeX magic comments this is accomplished by prefixing the job specific option with the job name followed by a colon.

%!TeX shellEscape = restricted
%!TeX jobNames = bar, quux, gronk
%!TeX quux:synctex = yes
%!TeX gronk:shellEscape = enable
Wibble, wibble, wibble!

In the case of YAML specified options, the job names and job specific options can be specified using only the jobs option, versus explicitly specifying the job names via the jobNames option.

shellEscape: restricted
  bar: {}
    synctex: true
    shellEscape: enable

Job Specific Source Files

Jobs may override the source file path by using the filePath option. This not intended as a way to create a “batch” compiler, but as a way to build dependencies that are not automatically generated when the main source file is processed by the appropriate rule such as LaTeX, Knitr, etc.

For instance, the following LaTeX source file will create the appropriate Asymptote source files and DiCy will automatically call Asymptote to proess those source files without any user configuration.

  import math;


  pair z4=(0,0);
  pair z7=(2,0);
  pair z1=point(rotate(60)*(z4--z7),1);


Some users prefer to place the Asymptote code in a separate file and use \includegraphics to place the result. In that case the following YAML could be used to configure the job.

  foo: {}
    filePath: bar.asy

This will compile foo.tex to foo.pdf and also use Asymptote to process bar.asy. Jobs that override the filePath will be executed before jobs that do not. This is done in case the job creates a dependency for the main source file.