Library and JSON-RPC Client

The library @dicy/core and the JSON-RPC client @dicy/client share a common API with the exception of initialization methods. Both packages export various types defined in Common Types and a class DiCy that implements an interface which creates and caches builders. That interface is defined below and extends EventEmitter.

interface BuilderCacheInterface extends EventEmitter {
  destroy(): Promise<void>;

  get(file: Uri): Promise<BuilderInterface>;

  clear(file: Uri): Promise<void>;
  clearAll(): Promise<void>;

  getTargetPaths(file: Uri): Promise<string[]>;

  kill(file: Uri, message?: string): Promise<void>;
  killAll(message?: string): Promise<void>;

  run(file: Uri, commands: Command[]): Promise<boolean>;

  setInstanceOptions(file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setUserOptions(file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setDirectoryOptions(file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setProjectOptions(file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;

BuilderCacheInterface provides two methods of building documents using DiCy. The first is to let DiCy find and call the appropriate method on the specific builder. For instance, to build foo.tex with SyncTeX enabled one would do the following.

const dicy = new DiCy()

await dicy.setInstanceOptions('file:///bar/foo.tex', { synctex: true })
await dicy.run('file:///bar/foo.tex', ['load', 'build', 'save'])

In order to capture log messages produced during the build or during the log command one needs to listen to the log event where messages is an array of Message.

dicy.on('log', (file, messages) => {
  for (const message of messages) {
    const nameText = event.name ? `[${event.name}] ` : ''
    const typeText = event.category ? `${event.category}: ` : ''
    const text = `${event.severity} ${nameText}${typeText}${event.text.replace('\n', ' ')}`


await dicy.run('file:///bar/foo.tex', ['load', 'build', 'log', 'save'])

To retrieve targets produced by a build getTargetPaths can be called. Please note that synctex.gz files are also returned in addition to PDF, DVI or PostScript files.

A build can be interupted by calling kill or all builds can be stopped by calling killAll. The DiCy class caches builders based on main file path. This cache can be cleared on file specific basis with clear or the complete cache can be cleared with clearAll. Once building is done the instance should be released with destroy.

A specific builder can also be retrieved with the get method. The returned builder will implement the following interface.

interface BuilderInterface extends EventEmitter {
  getTargetPaths(): Promise<string[]>;

  kill(message?: string): Promise<void>;

  run(commands: Command[]): Promise<boolean>;

  setInstanceOptions(options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setUserOptions(options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setDirectoryOptions(options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;
  setProjectOptions(options: object, merge?: boolean): Promise<void>;

This instance can be used in the same way as described above except that the root file path does not need to be passed to each method. For example, to build and log one would do the following.

const builder = dicy.get('file:///bar/foo.tex')

builder.on('log', (messages) => {
  for (const message of messages) {
    const nameText = event.name ? `[${event.name}] ` : ''
    const typeText = event.category ? `${event.category}: ` : ''
    const text = `${event.severity} ${nameText}${typeText}${event.text.replace('\n', ' ')}`


await builder.setInstanceOptions({ synctex: true })
await builder.run(['load', 'build', 'log', 'save'])

The received log events will only be from the specific builder. This means that multiple builds can be in progress at the same time an will not interfere with each other.

Common Types

Both @dicy/core and @dicy/client export various types used by DiCy builders. The most common are listed below and are primarily used in the BuilderCacheInterface and BuilderInterface for commands and log messages.

type Command = 'build' | 'clean' | 'graph' | 'load' | 'log' | 'save' | 'scrub';

interface LineRange {
  start: number;
  end: number;

interface Reference {
  file: string;
  range?: LineRange;

type Severity = 'trace' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error';

export interface Message {
  severity: Severity;
  text: string;
  name?: string;
  category?: string;
  source?: Reference;
  log?: Reference;


@dicy/server implements a JSON-RPC interface to DiCy that can be accessed using @dicy/client or directly via a JSON-RPC client. The interface provided by @dicy/server mirrors BuilderCacheInterface without the get method. The server may be started using the shell command dicy-server with an option that specifies the transport mechanism.

RPC Requests and Notificatons

Name Type Parameters Return
clear Server Request file: Uri Promise<void>
clearAll Server Request None Promise<void>
exit Server Notification None None
kill Server Request file: Uri, message?: string Promise<void>
killAll Server Request message?: string Promise<void>
log Client Notification file: Uri, messages: Message[] None
run Server Request file: Uri, commands: Command[] Promise<boolean>
setDirectoryOptionsRequest Server Request file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean Promise<boolean>
setInstanceOptionsRequest Server Request file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean Promise<boolean>
setProjectOptionsRequest Server Request file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean Promise<boolean>
setUserOptionsRequest Server Request file: Uri, options: object, merge?: boolean Promise<boolean>